Lodging Terms and Conditions
By accepting, I understand that my options with regard to lodging are (1) on-campus housing booked via the registration form where available, (2) making a reservation at the conference hotel, or (3) making my own arrangements. I understand that I will be held responsible for any damages reported from a room in which I am staying.
Use of Personal Information and Statement on EU General Data Protection Regulation Compliance
By accepting, I understand the following:
NCSCE may share the following information I have provided through the meeting registration form in printed program materials, online program materials and mobile applications: name, title, institution/organization, department, discipline, mailing address, phone, and email. Subsets of this information may be made available to Stony Brook University, of which NCSCE is a part, and the meeting host institution, for logistical purposes.
Information on presentations will be used by NCSCE staff and/or members of the program committee to approve or reject session proposals, and may be edited for printing in the program book and/or in mobile applications.
Information on participation category, executive summaries, motivations for participating, and goals arising from participation will be shared among NCSCE staff, SSI facilitators, and members of the program committee in order to make programming decisions. They will not be shared publicly without permission from authors.
Information on disability status may be used by NCSCE staff to secure accommodations for participants in need of them, and may be shared in aggregate with venues for this purpose, but will not be shared publicly.
Information on dietary restrictions will be used by NCSCE staff and sent to food service providers in aggregate to determine appropriate menus and the possible need for special accommodations at meals, but will not be shared publicly.
Emergency contact information will be accessible only by NCSCE staff, and will not be shared publicly.
Information is stored in the Wild Apricot membership management system, and will be exported to NCSCE staff computers, Google Drive, and the CrowdCompass App by Cvent. This information is stored for the length of our relationships with them as vendors.
You may, at any time, request to see a copy of the data stored in the Wild Apricot and/or CrowdCompass systems, and request that it be deleted.
More information on Wild Apricot’s privacy protections is available here.
More information in Cvent’s privacy protections is available here.
Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
By accepting, I agree that, should I wish to consume alcohol during meals and/or receptions, I will follow the rules set by NCSCE regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Should tickets be used to regulate the distribution of alcoholic beverages during said meals and/or receptions, I understand that they are non-transferrable. I agree not provide alcohol to participants under 21 years of age. I agree not to consume alcoholic beverages if I am under 21 years of age.
Photographs Taken at Meetings
By accepting, I understand that photographs of me may be taken during NCSCE meetings and that they may appear on the SENCER or NCSCE websites, or in SENCER or NCSCE publications.